ECommerce System/Platform

Our Agro-hub marketplace is for the purpose marketing and advertising of Agro products and services. Both Seller and buyers of agro products (agro-traders) within the agribusiness B2B and B2C consumers and suppliers within the agro-supply chain can do all business and trading here.

Our ukumkom ( platform connects consumers, producers, suppliers and service providers in the agri-food chain encompassing all (or of interest to) the input supply, production, postharvest, storage, processing, marketing and distribution, food service, and consumption functions along the farm-to- fork (i.e., production-to-consumption) continuum for a given product (be it consumed as fresh, processed, and/or foodservice-provided), including the external enabling environment.

Ukumkom Marketplace enables market traders, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, consumers, transport and logistics suppliers of food and agro-products and services etc. collaborate by buy, sell and transport agro-food product and services.

Ukumkom Marketplace hub enables advertising, selling, buying and transporting of agro-products and services, simple, fast and easy. It is a very simple platform to use.