Agricultural planning and decision making is closely linked to the present, past and future weather. Integration of weather resources, being from local weather/soil sensors or from online weather resources, is a core functionality of the Clafisol solution. The integration of weather data is the key of effective farm planning and plant health decision support

Irrigation use-case for small scale farming – Scalable Programmable And (automatic/appropriate) Remote Techniques for Agriculture (SPARTA). Small-scale farm production is an important component of world food production which occurs in both developed and developing economies but has been largely been overlooked for improvement using electronic sensor-based information technologies that are becoming more widespread on larger farms with the availability of low-cost sensors. Since most farmers now routinely use internet-based services for a wide range of personal needs there seems to be considerable potential for appropriate developments linking on-farm sensors to web applications to improve small-scale farm production, which could make a significant contribution to social cohesion in many regions of the EU that have a tradition of small-scale farms. The system is based on components-of-the-shelf low-cost wireless sensor network services on several farms monitored through a single GPRS or Ethernet connection and supported by mobile phone applications specifically developed or adapted for small-scale producers. The current target application areas include irrigation decision support, providing growers with on-line access to soil moisture and weather sensor data for their crops with options for data sharing between neighbours, access to irrigation decision-support software (DSS), forum discussions and extension advice. Further options of DSS for disease forecasting and crop protection advice is possible via the disease pressure module.